We engineer and deliver processes that unleash the ingenuity inherent in every individual and human system. We create safe learning spaces to achieve results.
"IPK always engages in an empathic and analytic manner forcing us to think about what we want to achieve with a particular event or process."
Vic van Vuuren, Country Director, International Labour Organisation, South Africa
IPK mission statement
Ingenious Peoples Knowledge Consultants is a collective of process designers, facilitators, trainers and coaches. We are connected by our passion for unleashing ingenuity in individuals, collectives and human systems. The values that we share and guide our work are: serving the human spirit, handling complexity and leveraging diversity. We are bold in our approach, take pride in our exceptional quality standards and spare no effort to be at the forefront of innovation in our fields of expertise.

How we proceed to deliver our services
We identify desired results together with our clients. On this basis we design the best suited process architecture and select the right mix of methodologies. In our processes participants find relevant answers, drawing on their knowledge, experience and ingenuity. We work with them towards seeing their reality with different eyes, envisaging their preferred future, and identifying the action required to reach their goals.
To do so, we work in reverse. We start with the most important question: upon completion of this process, what is it that you want to see happening? The desired purpose and impact (-> why) must inform all design (-> what and how). We know from experience that 80% of the success of an intervention depends on the thoroughness of its preparation. Designing the whole process is equally important as the actual delivery through facilitation, training or coaching. It is this level of preparation and delivery that allow us to achieve the results our clients were hoping for.
We work in the physical and in the virtual realm. We found that there are many benefits to working virtually, and that the pro’s are such that we can comfortably and convincingly advise using virtual engagements instead of face-to-face meeting formats, especially in these times.
Myth 1
Do we need to be subject matter experts?
No. Our participants hold enough expertise and our ignorance guarantees neutrality. We focus on process so others can focus on content and on owning the results.
Myth 2
Do we need to be members of a particular culture?
No. Our processes enable people to find their own voice, raise their own concerns and identify their own ideas in a way that is culturally appropriate and relevant.
Myth 3
Do we need to adhere to conventional meeting cultures and institutional precedents?
No. More of the same will hinder innovation, transformation and longer-term impact. We achieve better, more sustainable action and results when people feel they can leave their comfort zone, while working within safe learning spaces that support mutual thinking.