By the IPK Team, with Marion Adamson
The Traditional vs the New Leadership Paradigm
We recently came across a comparison of leadership styles called “The New Leadership Paradigm” by Steve Piersanti.
In this, he juxtaposes old versus new styles of leadership. In the past, the organisation used to be seen as a pyramid, whereas in the new paradigm, the organisation is seen as a network. Though leadership used to be top-down, it is now a possibility for everyone to be seen as a leader. Previously individuals used to try to exercise control, and now, individuals aim to collaborate with each other. The focus on profit and money has given way to a more meaning and purpose driven paradigm. The move is from self-interest to service. Winning and competing is no longer seen as the most important, rather, it is loving and caring. Exclusion and privilege are not fashionable any more, however, diversity and inclusion are. Whereas information used to be restricted, more information is now shared. Top-down change is less wanted, and whole systems change is now more crucial than ever before.
In our experience with coaching leaders, the aspects of i) hierarchy, ii) power structures and iii) decision making, are areas that trip teams and leaders up. When it comes to these three aspects, team members take their ‘signal’ from what the leader ‘models’ to them through their behaviour and what is said. At times when ‘what is said’ is different to ‘what is done’ it creates questions, doubt, and uncertainty. Team members may adapt to comply with the ‘invisible’ rules, they may rebel against the same or even quite spontaneously go with the flow. It takes boldness, courage, and compassion to consistently provide an experience to dismantle the ‘invisible’ rules around these three aspects.
IPK has a variety of Coaching Packages available to you. Our packages offer a customized roadmap to support you in developing your new leadership paradigm. Reach out to us on for more detailed information on remote coaching packages available to you.
Illustration from “The New Leadership Paradigm” by Steve Piersanti.