Over the past few weeks, two people asked me the same question that I was unable to respond to – which was very strange: They asked me: “What is your approach then?”. I asked them “What do you mean, which approach?”. One of them pointed out that in a conversation, of more than an hour, I had constantly suggested that there is something like an I-P-K approach, without ever making it explicit. The second instance was the editor of our handbook. She came back to us after her first read through asking: “You constantly use the term “our approach” without ever clarifying what it actually is…”.
I realised that although I had a sense that there is something like a red thread that runs through our facilitation and change work, I constantly tried to avoid spelling it out in explicit and clear manner. What ensued was a debate, whether it was an “approach” in the first place – or rather a method, a style, a worldview, a set of principles? But since our handbook is in the making, I no longer had a choice. Or rather a good invitation to get to terms with it. I gave it a try. Read on here: